World's Largest Pair of Jeans

Seamstresses in Peru set out to set a Guinness World Record for the largest pair of jeans sewn. The pair of jeans measures 141 feet tall and 98 feet wide and weighs in at 7.5 tons. The current record is held by the city of Medellin in Columbia. That pair was 114 feet tall and 82 feet wide.

It sounds like they are just waiting for their record setting jeans to be accepted by Guinness. There wasn't a Guinness representative present, but a notary who can send documentation to the group was.

The pants will be recycled as backpacks for school children.

Penjahit di Peru ditetapkan untuk menetapkan Guinness World Record untuk pasangan terbesar jeans dijahit. Pasangan jeans ukuran 141 meter dan lebar 98 meter dan berbobot dalam sebesar 7,5 ton. Rekor saat ini dipegang oleh kota Medellín di Columbia. Itu sepasang 114 meter dan lebar 82 meter.

Sepertinya mereka hanya menunggu untuk catatan mereka pengaturan jeans untuk diterima oleh Guinness. Tidak ada hadiah Guinness perwakilan, tapi notaris yang dapat mengirim dokumentasi ke grup ini.

Celana akan di daur ulang ransel untuk anak-anak sekolah.