Acrobatic Art festifal

China hosted the annual Acrobatic Art Festival in Wuhan, this year. The location changes every year but the exhibition is just as breathtaking every time, no matter where it’s held. The event took place in a stationary circus in Wuhan and attracted more than 2,000 spectators that were simply mesmerized by the 30 acrobatic numbers performed by artists from all around the world.

Cina menjadi tuan rumah Festival Seni akrobat tahunan di Wuhan, tahun ini. Perubahan lokasi setiap tahun tetapi pameran sama hati setiap waktu, di mana pun itu diadakan. Acara tersebut berlangsung di sebuah sirkus stasioner di Wuhan dan lebih dari 2.000 menarik penonton yang hanya terpesona oleh 30 nomor akrobat dilakukan oleh seniman dari seluruh dunia.