By Paul A Buchanan
Your website has to set you above and ahead of the rest of the competition. You need a home page that pops out to a potential customer. You want the customer to really feel how professional your interior design business is by the way your website is laid out, and the way it is designed. You can almost view interior-design just like you view website design. An interior designer goes in a makes a house look the best it possibly can. Website designers essentially do the same thing. They make a website that is the best possible, that will catch peoples eyes, and that will hold the attention of the consumer.
First impressions mean a lot, and you want your first impression to be that you are a serious company that is professional and trustworthy. Let your website reflect how great of a design business you are. Have a artistic flare to your website just like you would advertise that flare for your interior design business outside of the internet.