Sony introduces direct methanol fuel cell battery

sony.jpg Sony Japan has been busy producing eco-friendly products and the latest eye-catching one is a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) battery. This was displayed at the International Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Expo in Tokyo last month. The battery is used for charging small electronic devices like mobile phones or digital music players and cameras with two USB ports for charging. The International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) Dangerous Goods Panel (DGP) has also voted to allow passengers to carry and use micro fuel cells and methanol fuel cartridges on board flights to power small electronic devices. This was considered, as methanol is a toxic and flammable gas.
Sony Jepang telah sibuk memproduksi produk ramah lingkungan dan terbaru penangkapan mata-satu adalah sel bahan bakar metanol langsung (DMFC) baterai. Ini ditampilkan di International Hydrogen dan Fuel Cell Expo di Tokyo bulan lalu. Baterai digunakan untuk pengisian perangkat elektronik kecil seperti ponsel atau pemutar musik digital dan kamera dengan dua port USB untuk pengisian. International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) Barang Berbahaya Panel (DGP) juga telah memutuskan untuk mengizinkan penumpang untuk dibawa dan digunakan sel-sel bahan bakar mikro dan bahan bakar metanol cartridges on board flights daya perangkat elektronik kecil. Hal ini dianggap, sebagai metanol adalah gas beracun dan mudah terbakar.

Shanghai to whip out another big one

Skyscraper Envy: Shanghai to whip out another big one

Did you hear the rumor that Shanghai is planning on building a 700 meter skyscraper? Seven hundred meters -- a structure that would dwarf the Oriental Pearl Tower (467.9 meters), the Jinmao Tower (420.5 meters), the yet-to-be-completed Shanghai World Financial Center (491.9 meters) and even the Taipei 101 Tower (508 meters), currently the world's tallest building. How very useful. Real estate developer Lujiazui Group refutes the claim, however, saying the height of the building and its architect have yet to be determined. But, rest assured, there will soon be another large erection east of the Huangpu:
According to a 1993 masterplan for the development of the Lujiazui financial zone, there will be three landmark skyscrapers in the area.

One of the landmark structures, Jinmao Tower, has been erected, and another, the Shanghai World Financial Tower, is being built. ...

The third skyscraper in Lujiazui financial zone will be adjacent to Jinmao Tower in the north and Shanghai World Financial Tower in the east, said sources with Lujiazui Group, who are responsible for the project.

Since there is no architect, there is no artist's rendition, so we had to create our own for the image above. We think it turned out OK.

Apakah Anda mendengar desas-desus bahwa Shanghai berencana membangun pencakar langit 700 meter? Tujuh ratus meter - sebuah struktur yang akan mengerdilkan Oriental Pearl Tower (467,9 meter), yang Jinmao Tower (420,5 meter), yang belum-to-be-selesai Shanghai World Financial Center (491,9 meter) dan bahkan Taipei 101 Tower ( 508 meter), saat ini gedung tertinggi di dunia. Bagaimana sangat berguna. Pengembang real estate Lujiazui Group membantah klaim, namun, mengatakan ketinggian bangunan dan arsitek belum ditentukan. Tapi, yakinlah, di sana akan segera ereksi besar lain di timur Huangpu:

Menurut masterplan tahun 1993 untuk pengembangan keuangan Lujiazui zona, akan ada tiga tengara pencakar langit di daerah.

Salah satu tengara struktur, Jinmao Tower, telah didirikan, dan lainnya, Shanghai World Financial Tower, sedang dibangun. ...

Pencakar langit ketiga di zona keuangan Lujiazui akan juga berbatasan dengan Jinmao Tower di utara dan Shanghai World Financial Tower di timur, kata sumber-sumber dengan Lujiazui Group, yang bertanggung jawab untuk proyek.

Karena tidak ada arsitek, tidak ada penampakan artis, jadi kami harus menciptakan untuk kita sendiri gambar di atas. Kami pikir ternyata OK.